Default User Group Join Group Members 201 Details This the default user group. All existing registered users are automatically assigned this group. Groups can be modified or deleted by the admin. Members Sort by Oldest Newest First Name Alphabetically A - Z First Name Alphabetically Z - A Last Name Alphabetically A - Z Last Name Alphabetically Z- A Select a Field UsernameSurnameFirst NameMiddle NameEmailState of OriginRegistration ForHighest QualificationsState of ResidenceState Study CenterCenter LocationLocal Government AreaMarital StatusDate of EnrolmentGenderAddressPhone NumberRegistration NumberPreferred Lecture status3 Nominations Admin Admin FRANK OGBITSE Ejike Gerald Musa Jahun Ifeanyi Iwegbuna Sa'ad Baba OBOT NIL GODWIN NIL BEDE NIL EMMANUEL NIL 1 2 3 … 21 »